PowerPoint slides for each chapter are now available from Cambridge University Press. Please also see below.
Chapter 1: Introduction updated figures and table
Part I: International Trade
Chapter 3: Ricardian Model of Comparative Advantage
Erratum: In Figure 3.5 on p. 53, both the EJM and the EVR distances are in the wrong place! They should be between points B and C and not the origin and point C. My apologies! The equivalent Figure 4.7 on p. 68 is correct. Figure 3.5 has been corrected here.
Chapter 4: Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Comparative Advantage
Chapter 5: Intra-Industry Trade
Chapter 6: Political Economy of Trade
Chapter 7: Trade Policy Analysis
Chapter 8: World Trade Organization
Chapter 9: Preferential Trade Agreements
Part II: International Production
Chapter 10: Multinational Enterprises and Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 11: Global Value Chains
Chapter 12: Engaging International Production
Part III: International Finance
Chapter 14: Accounting Frameworks
Chapter 15: Global Capital Flows
Chapter 16: Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Parity
Chapter 17: Flexible Exchange Rates
Chapter 18: Fixed Exchange Rates
Chapter 19: International Monetary System